Preserve Our Paradise
Stark Mountain Foundation continues to support Mad River Glen Ski Area to close the gap between what it needs and what it earns. This is part of SMF’s mission to promote outdoor recreation and preserve and protect the environment of Stark Mountain for future generations. The $5.6 million Preserve Our Paradise campaign to benefit Mad River Glen concluded in May 2019. Campaign funds from over 1,000 donors enabled Stark Mountain Foundation to support the following projects to preserve, protect, and enhance Mad River Glen.
More than $500,000 in improvements to MRG’s snow-making system
More than $460,000 in vehicles and equipment to streamline mountain operations including a mower, a groomer, an excavator, and a dump truck
Nearly $100,000 for bridges, culverts, creating glades, and pruning
Nearly $120,000 to improve and extend the lives of ski lifts
Basebox and patrol building
More than $1,800,000 on the Basebox renovations that replaced dated electrical and plumbing systems, made the buildings accessible, improved the kitchen, and provided space for bag storage and additional seating
More than $500,000 to completely replace the ski patrol and ski school building with a modern, comfortable, energy-efficient building.
Birdcage enhancements
Nearly $75,000 to add a deck to the Birdcage and to improve energy efficiency and comfort with a new entrance
Mad River
Single Chair Restoration
The Stark Mountain Foundation partnered with the Preservation Trust of Vermont to raise $1.8 million to restore Mad River Glen's historic Single Chair (the Single). The project included removing, sandblasting, repainting and reinstalling the lattice towers and framework with new concrete bases to assure safety. New chairs were built to the exact specifications of the originals, and while the original wire rope and lattice towers, as well as the return station framework were reused, a new electric drive with diesel backup, new sheaves, and safety systems were installed. The restored Single, inaugurated in 2007, looks the same, feels the same, but is safer and longer-lasting than the original. All the work was completed with allegiance to the historic fabric of the Single and the unique experience of riding up the mountain remains unchanged.
Stark Mountian Trails
Years ago, the Mad River Glen Cooperative (MRG Co-op) granted a trail easement to the Green Mountain Club (GMC) where the Long Trail passes over Co-op property south of the Appalachian Gap. Since then, the Stark's Nest shelter - located on the Long Trail and open year 'round for skiers and hikers - has been rebuilt by the Co-op with grant support from SMF.
In 2008, SMF endowed the maintenance of the section of the Long Trail on Stark Mountain as part of the GMC's Second Century capital campaign. Since that time, the GMC has completed significant trail work on Stark's Wall by replacing rotten wooden ladders with steel rungs that blend into existing rock and are guaranteed to last a lifetime. New puncheons have also been installed in the muddy areas higher up. The two charitable corporations share a natural and symbiotic relationship in their initiatives to preserve the forests and ecosystem of Stark Mountain while providing recreational access and preserving the area's unique character.
Recently, a generous grant from SMF enabled Mad River Glen to create a new network of hiking trails on General Stark Mountain. "Formalizing the hiking trail to the summit goes a long way in encouraging hikers to enjoy Mad River Glen and fulfill our mission of giving more people the opportunity to experience this magnificent area," says former Mad River Glen President Jamey Wimble. The network includes an official side trail to Vermont's Long Trail. SMF, the GMC, and the MRG Coop work closely to steward the trail and maintain the Stark's Nest summit hut, Glen Ellen Lodge, and the Theron Dean shelter.